Thursday, March 12, 2009

2. I'd take a kiss over television any day,

but some prefer television...

“Today, me and my boyfriend were hooking up while watching TV. Just as I was getting really into it, he told me to move my head. He couldn't see the television. FML”

After years of television viewing, real life becomes a blur and television takes over. A lasting impact is made on the rest of the viewer’s life and results in problematic relationships and day-to-day struggle.

Television becomes so real to the viewer, that real real-life becomes stagnant feeling. Watching other people experience life becomes more gratifying that having your own life. is website where people post about situations where the phrase “F**k my life” is applicable. It full of posts that cover topics of media, including video games, movies and television. Ultimately in these posts, these forms of technology are preferred to human social interaction and the person whose life is being F’d recognizes it. In the above example, the television was more important to the boyfriend than a physical relationship with his girlfriend. He is somehow more satisfied from whatever was on the television that by the physical touch of his girlfriend.

Thank goodness televisions can’t get pregnant.

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